Myths about 3D printing
1 May 2023

3D printing has become an integral part of our lives. It has revolutionized the way we manufacture things, and has become a major player in the world of manufacturing. Among the various types of 3D printing, 3D resin printing has been gaining popularity recently. It is a technique that uses liquid resin and a light source to create complex and detailed 3D objects. While the technology is still relatively new, it has generated a lot of excitement among makers and manufacturers alike. However, there are still many myths and legends surrounding the future of 3D resin printing. In this blog post, we will explore these myths and legends and examine the potential innovations that could change the landscape of 3D resin printing in the future.

Myths and Legends

Myth 1: 3D resin printing is only for small objects

One of the most common myths about 3D resin printing is that it can only be used for creating small objects. This is simply not true. While it is true that 3D resin printers are generally smaller than other types of 3D printers, they are capable of producing objects of significant size. The only limiting factor is the size of the printer’s build platform. As technology advances, it is likely that we will see larger and more capable 3D resin printers.

Myth 2: 3D resin printing is slow

Another myth surrounding 3D resin printing is that it is a slow process. While it is true that the printing process itself can be slower than other types of 3D printing, the post-processing time required for other types of 3D printing can be much longer. For example, with FDM 3D printing, the object must be sanded and painted after printing to achieve a smooth finish. With 3D resin printing, the object is already smooth and detailed straight out of the printer. As with any technology, the speed of 3D resin printing will likely increase as the technology improves.

Myth 3: 3D resin printing is expensive

While it is true that the initial cost of a 3D resin printer can be higher than other types of 3D printers, the cost of materials and maintenance can be lower. 3D resin printing uses liquid resin, which is generally less expensive than other types of 3D printing materials such as ABS or PLA. Additionally, 3D resin printers require less maintenance than other types of 3D printers, such as FDM printers, which require regular calibration and cleaning.

Myth 4: 3D resin printing is only for hobbyists

Another common myth surrounding 3D resin printing is that it is only for hobbyists. While 3D resin printing has certainly gained popularity among makers and hobbyists, it has many potential applications in the professional world. For example, it can be used in the manufacturing of jewelry, dental implants, and even medical devices. As the technology improves, we are likely to see more professional applications of 3D resin printing.

Potential Future Innovations

As with any technology, 3D resin printing is likely to evolve and improve over time. Here are some potential future innovations in 3D resin printing:

  1. Multi-color printing: Currently, most 3D resin printers are only capable of printing in a single color. However, there are already some multi-color 3D resin printers on the market, and we are likely to see more in the future.

  2. Faster printing speeds: As technology improves, it is likely that we will see faster 3D resin printers. This will make the printing process quicker and more efficient.

  3. Larger build platforms: As mentioned earlier, the size of the build platform is currently the limiting factor for the size of objects